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In a previous post last May, we wrote about DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal)  labelling for the platform’s new journals. As well as this labelling, the DOAJ now offers the chance to search the metadata (author, title, abstract, keywords, etc) of articles in labelled journals from its own site. This new service is called DOAJ Content.
For several months, the OpenEdition team has supplied the DOAJ with the information necessary for implementing DOAJ Content for its journals. Search fields enable users to search titles and authors but also through article abstracts. Once the search is complete and the article found, a link connects to the full text of the article. The link for the journal
Strenæ. Recherches sur les Livres et Objets Culturels de l’Enfance, for example, referenced by DOAJ Content is:
Seventy-four journals on our platform can now be searched using this tool. Eventually, all 100 journals on the platform will be referenced by DOAJ Content. DOAJ referencing enhances journals’ visibility and is a guarantee that academic standards have been respected by publishing teams. It is also a sign of our commitment to the DOAJ and more
generally in the development of Open Access.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
The OpenEdition team (October 23, 2012). journals in DOAJ Content. Open Electronic Publishing. Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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