The first OpenEdition Books Select campaign comes to an end: 26 titles published in open access
A total of 26 humanities and social science titles are now available in open access on OpenEdition thanks to OpenEdition Books Select, the first French-language crowdfunding programme. This pilot project, whose first fundraising campaign is coming to an end, aimed to publish a bundle of peer-reviewed books in open access through the support of libraries the world over.
Launched in partnership with Couperin – the French consortium of universities and research institutions for access to digital publications – OpenEdition Books Select began in May 2018 and was closed in April 2019. This crowdfunding campaign aimed to release 30 titles in open access. To achieve this goal, 125 libraries and institutions needed to subscribe to the offer (€1,200 per subscription). OpenEdition turned to Knowledge Unlatched for its expertise in crowdfunding.
In total, 64 libraries and institutions supported this campaign. In order to open up as many titles as possible, OpenEdition relinquished its commission and asked the publishers to lower the release amount for titles of theirs published before 2017. We would like to thank the publishers for their contribution to the success of this campaign.
Six titles from 2018/2019 were published in February. Now, 20 back catalogue titles, published between 2017 and 2010, have just been published (and will soon be available on OAPEN):
- Le mythe Néron. La fabrique d’un monstre dans la littérature antique (Ie-Ve s.), Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2017
- Charlotte Guillard. Une femme imprimeur de la Renaissance, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2017
- Les héroïnes de séries américaines. De Ma sorcière Bien-aimée à The good wife, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2017
- Juifs d’Europe. Identités plurielles et mixité, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2017
- L’école des sages-femmes. Naissance d’un corps professionnel (1786-1917), Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2017
- Les villes non occidentales. Comprendre les enjeux de la diversité urbaine, Presses universitaires de Montréal, 2017
- Les partis politiques de l’opposition en Afrique. La quête du pouvoir, Presses universitaires de Montréal, 2017
- Les dieux olympiens et la mer, École française de Rome, 2016
- Le journalisme scientifique dans les controverses, CNRS Éditions, 2015
- Changement climatique. Quels défis pour le Sud, IRD Éditions, 2015
- Bourdieu et le travail, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015
- Histoire de la haine. Une passion funeste 1830-1930, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014
- Traces numériques. De la production à l’interprétation, CNRS Éditions, 2013
- Question d’honneur. Les notions d’honos, honestum et honestas dans la République romaine, École française de Rome, 2013
- Boys don’t cry! Les coûts de la domination masculine, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012
- Missions d’évangélisation et circulation des savoirs. XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Casa de Velázquez, 2011
- Conquérir et gouverner la Sicile islamique aux XIe et XIIe siècles, École française de Rome, 2011
- Michel Foucault et le christianisme, ENS Éditions, 2011
- Terres de taureaux. Les jeux taurins de l’Europe à l’Amérique, Casa de Velázquez, 2010
- Images des corps / corps des images au cinéma, ENS Éditions, 2010
We warmly thank the libraries and institutions that contributed to the release of these books as well as the publishers and the Couperin consortium for their involvement, which enabled the implementation of a funding model for open science and bibliodiversity.
Libraries can promote these titles in their catalogues via the Kbart lists and Unimarc records for the 26 titles available: here.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
OpenEdition Team (July 17, 2019). The first OpenEdition Books Select campaign comes to an end: 26 titles published in open access. Open Electronic Publishing. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from