Bilbo V.2: Towards new research collaborations
A new version of the Bilbo software, which is dedicated to the automatic annotation of bibliographic references, and developed by OpenEdition, has just been finalized. Its source code is now available on the GitHub platform. Its aim: to offer new functionalities and provide a comprehensive development and research space to improve the detection of bibliographic references.
The Bilbo project focuses on the recognition and automatic structuring of bibliographic references in academic digital documentation, whether that be structured bibliographies at the end of an article, footnotes, or citations throughout the text. The purpose of Bilbo is to identify bibliographic references and to link them to a DOI in order to enable navigation between different digital objects.
Currently implemented on the OpenEdition Journals and OpenEdition Books platforms, Bilbo has made it possible to enrich OpenEdition bibliographies and make 505,000 bibliographic references navigable (13% of journal references and 9% of book references). It has also enabled the deployment of the “Cited by” feature and plays a central role in identifying the links between reviews of the journals and books in question, a feature that will soon launch on OpenEdition Books.
Bilbo V.2 will include new features such as the ability to add new machine learning algorithms.
This is also about encouraging research collaborations and wide use of the software in the digital humanities community. The following developments are planned:
- openness to specific formats suited to research;
- taking into account the specificities of the language of the document;
- adding specific enrichments, in particular <biblScope>;
- improving the quality of current enrichments;
- optimizing the identification of links between documents;
- the use of Bilbo V.2 for research projects.
A Web-API, which will centralize all of these new functionalities, is planned for 2021.
Bilbo V.2 should be deployed on OpenEdition Journals and OpenEdition Books in the coming weeks.
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OpenEdition team (November 16, 2020). Bilbo V.2: Towards new research collaborations. Open Electronic Publishing. Retrieved September 12, 2024 from