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Meet the OpenEdition Team! Automn 2023

The OpenEdition team will be attending and speaking at virtual and in-person conferences, symposia, meetings, and congresses specializing in digital publishing or libraries to offer user training, introduce our platforms, and meet our partners.

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Conferences and Symposia

25 – 27 September
Open Science Fair, Madrid (Spain)
Karla Avanço will attend.

27 – 29 September
52e Congrès de l’ADBU, Versailles (France)
Meet Julie Therizols and Breno Santos on the OpenEdition stand.

13 – 15 October
33rd Salon de la Revue, Paris (France)
Étienne Quinn, Élodie Picard and Sandra Guigonis will attend.
Sandra Guigonis will be taking part in the round table on “Social science journals in the digital age” on 15 October, from 1pm to 2pm.

7 – 9 November
Congrès des Professionnel·les de l’Information, Montreal (Canada)
Theme: optimising resources and services in documentary environments.
Brenos Santos will attend on the OpenEdition stand.

Meetings and Congresses

25 – 26 September
“Huma-Num, retour sur 10 ans de construction européenne”, Aubervilliers (France)
Marie Pellen will attend.

19 – 21 October
COESO final conference “Connect. Collaborate. Create. Bridging communities to foster participatory research and citizen science”, Aubervilliers (France)
Alessia Smaniotto, Pierre Mounier, Baptistin Hin, Giovanna Molina, John Williams and Emma Fanget will be taking part in this conference.

20th October
DARIAH-CH “Study day 2023”, Bern (Switzerland)
Sandra Guigonis will present Hypotheses.

23 – 25 October
Research Data Alliance plenary/International data week, Salzburg (Austria)
Arnaud Gingold will present the OPERAS pilot for the RDA Tiger project concerning the creation of a “Alignment of multilingual vocabularies for the SSH” working group, on 24 October.

23 – 27 October
Diamond Open Access Summit, Toluca (Mexico)
Pierre Mounier will be taking part in the “2nd Diamond OA Conference”, from 25 to 27 October (European projects, in particular DIAMAS).

10th November
20th anniversary of Persée, Lyon
Sandra Guigonis will attend.

13 – 14 November
Mir@bel 2022 study day “Visibility of French scientific journals”, Lyon (France)
The morning of 14 November will be devoted to “How to raise the international profile of scientific journals”. Sandra Guigonis and Arnaud Gingold will be taking part in the round table discussion on “The challenges facing French journals”, moderated by Pierre Mounier.

22 – 24 November
4th Journées Repères, Rennes (France)
Sandra Guigonis will be speaking on 23 November to present the progress of the OJS experiment for a number of journals on OpenEdition Journals platform.

11 December
“Digital Mondays at INHA” on the COMMONS project
Sandra Guigonis (Openedition), Nicolas Larrousse (Huma-Num) and Dominique Roux (Metopes) will be presenting COMMONS’ prospects for linking publications and data, with a focus on image processing and visualisation.

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OpenEdition team (September 25, 2023). Meet the OpenEdition Team! Automn 2023. Open Electronic Publishing. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from

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