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Meet the OpenEdition team! Autumn 2024

The OpenEdition team will be attending conferences and seminars specializing in digital publishing or dedicated to libraries to offer user training, introduce our platforms and meet our partners.

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Conferences and Symposia

9-11 October
53e Congrès de l’ADBU, Dijon
Meet Julie Therizols et Breno Santos on the OpenEdition stand.

11-13 October
34e Salon de la revue, Paris (France)
Étienne Quinn, Élodie Picard et Simon Pioud will attend.

12-13 October
Festival des Sciences de Marseille, Marseille (France)
Christina Cantrel and Camille Mattei, along with Mélanie Perret from the SoMum Institute, will be at the stand “Découvrez les sciences humaines et sociales“.

5-8 November
Congrès des Professionnels de l’information, Montreal (Canada)
Brenos Santos will attend the OpenEdition stand.

Meetings and Congresses

24 September
Repenser la recherche scientifique au XXIe siècle. Six tables rondes publiques sur les sciences en société (2024-2025), Marseille (France)
Simon Dumas Primbault and Ioanna Faïta are organising the first session in a series of round tables on the theme of ‘Science et Politique”. Murielle Le Roux (historian of science and deputy director of the IHMC), Bruno Andreotti (professor of physics at Université Paris-Cité and member of the RogueESR collective) and Aurélie Biancarelli (deputy mayor of Marseille, responsible for higher education, student life and research) will be taking part.

26 September
Journée d’études finale du projet SO PUR, Rennes (France)
David Beorchia, Sandra Guigonis, Karla Avanço et Marina Cortes Aldaz will attend.
Sandra Guigonis and Karla Avanço will be taking part in the round table: “Après SO PUR, la science ouverte avec les PUR”.

28 September
Trieste Next – Festival della ricerca scientifica, Trieste (Italy)
Alessia Smaniotto will take part in the discussion “Incontrarsi e co-creare. Viaggio nella scienza aperta”.

2 October
Journée de rentrée de l’EHESS, Aubervilliers (France)
Alessia Smaniotto will attend.

3-4 October
Découvrathon des contenus culturels et scientifiques francophones numériques, Montreal (Canada)
Marcella Araujo Malheiros will attend as mentor.

10-12 October
CRAFT-OA Tech Event, Turin (Italy)
Arnaud Gingold and Nathan Cuel-Oller present the documentation on indexes of scientific publications compiled in CRAFT-OA.

4-5 November
Les presses universitaires et l’édition numérique ouverte, Dijon (France)
David Beorchia will be taking part in the “Produire et diffuser” panel on 5 November, from 10.45am to 12.30pm.

15 November
Métascience, Recherche sur la Recherche et Science Ouverte en Dialogue, Lyon (France)
Simon Dumas Primbault will attend.

28 November
Repenser la recherche scientifique au XXIe siècle. Six tables rondes publiques sur les sciences en société (2024-2025), Marseille (France)
Simon Dumas Primbault and Ioanna Faïta are organising the second session in a series of round tables on the theme “Crise climatique”. Pablo Jensen (physicist at ENS Lyon), Antoine Hardy (doctoral student in political science at Sciences Po Bordeaux) and Florence Joly (in charge of scientific advocacy at Réseau Environnement Santé) will be taking part.

28 November
Governing Digital Knowledge Infrastructures, Aubervilliers (France)
Simon Dumas Primbault is organising a study day on the governance of digital knowledge infrastructures, starting at 9am at the Humathèque on the Campus Condorcet.

28 November
10e anniversaire de la revue Hybrid, Paris (France)
Cédric Gaultier will represent OpenEdition.

16-17 December
Journée d’étude sur la re-médiation des collections patrimoniale, Marseille (France)
Simon Dumas Primbault is co-organising this day in collaboration with the Mucem and the BnF, on Monday 16 December from 9am at the MucemLab (Mucem, Fort Saint Jean) and on Tuesday 17 December from 9am at the Conservation and Resource Centre (Mucem, Saint Charles).

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
OpenEdition team (September 16, 2024). Meet the OpenEdition team! Autumn 2024. Open Electronic Publishing. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from

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