30 000 events on Calenda!
There are now 30 000 events listed on Calenda, one of the most widely used online calendars for the humanities and social sciences. Our team is taking this opportunity to look back on the platform’s history...
There are now 30 000 events listed on Calenda, one of the most widely used online calendars for the humanities and social sciences. Our team is taking this opportunity to look back on the platform’s history...
Users can now publish a new type of academic event on Calenda: summer schools. Hybrid and international sites of learning In order to fully represent upcoming events in research and scholarly output and exchange, Calenda’s scientific...
To celebrate the publication of the 20,000th event announcements on Calenda, the OpenEdition is pleased to announce the launch of the multilingual version of the humanities and social sciences calendar: calenda.org. The sheer volume and variety...